Tips & Tricks
Sea-Monkey® Success Tips
Always use new Sea-Monkey® brand packets to start your colony. If you’re purchasing a vintage set, it may come with old packets that aren’t good anymore. All newer and current sets will come with packets that say “MADE IN THE U.S.A.” at the top.
Keep them warm. Sea-Monkeys® will hatch faster and thrive in warm water. 68 - 80 degrees F is a good range. I try to keep mine at 79 degrees.
Aerate the tank frequently. I do it a few times per week and that seems to work well. You can use a pipette or Million Bubble air pump. You can also use an electric air pump, but be sure to keep the air flow light.
Be sure to start off by following the kit instructions for feeding. Overfeeding is a common thing and can kill a whole colony…I’ve done it. As your colony ages, use your observation skills and adjust feeding if needed. You can see a dark line (digestive track) in adult Sea-Monkeys that are well fed.
Let the algae grow! Adult Sea-Monkeys will eat it and it actually helps aerate the tank too!
Top off water as it evaporates. I do it weekly, but you can do it less frequently if the water evaporates slower where you are at. Use room temperature bottled water (distilled or spring). There is no need to add more salt. Water evaporates; salt doesn’t. The salt will remain in the tank.
If you see two males fighting, let them fight. No need to be the referee. If you try to separate them, you’ll probably do more harm than good.
Be careful with gravel. Sometimes the pets will get stuck between the small rocks with sad results. I don’t recommend using a layer of gravel on the bottom of any tank. If you are going to use some, use it super sparingly so the Sea-Monkeys® don’t get stuck between the pieces.
Be careful with fake plants. Similar to above. They can get trapped between the leaves. If you are going to use any aquarium decor, find pieces without tight pinch points. I’ve cut down some fake plants to make them safer.
If you buy a kit, just follow the directions and you’ll be good. If you’re setting up a DIY aquarium, always use Sea-Monkey® brand packets #1 and #2 as a pair. BOTH of these packets contain salt and eggs that are essential for the environment. Each pair of packets is good for 12 oz of water.
Never use tap water! Tap water varies greatly and is regulated by local governments. Many places add chlorine, fluoride, and/or minerals that may not be suitable for Sea-Monkeys®. Other places don't. Good rule of thumb is to just avoid tap water. Bottled water is the way to go. I’ve had great success using bottled spring water and distilled water.
No filters! Filters are great for aquariums with fish, but not Sea-Monkeys® for two reasons. First, the filters can (will) suck up the Sea-Monkeys and kill them. Second, it filters out the particles that the pets eat! Brine shrimp are filter feeders. They filter particles out of the water to eat. Just say no to filters.
Be patient! That whole “instant life” thing is a little science and a lot of marketing. If you don’t see your new pets right away, wait a few days. They are tiny when they are born and it typically takes me two or three days before I can see them. Make sure you shine a light in the water and use a magnifier. Don’t dump the water if you don’t see them right away!
If you have questions, ASK! There are lots of great resources online including fan sites like this one, YouTube channels, Facebook Groups, Reddit communities, etc.